We continue to stroll on down the curvy, winding paths. All of which are meticulously groomed to perfection. Benches are lined up along most paths, and each bench has a loving dedication from loved ones. Some are dedicated to the deceased, while the others are mostly proclamations of love. This is a site that can be seen as far as the eye can see.
The sound of content and happy children playing fills the air. Ice cream vendors lovingly hand out treats to salivating kids and eager adults. We come upon Bethesda fountain. In the middle of the fountain is an angel set high above us.
Her eyes softly speak to everyone, "Relax, stay a while". People are casually sitting on the benches and the walls of the fountain. There is a band playing, they call themselves The Dirty Urchins. They consist of three men and a woman. Their sound would best be described as jazz with a hint of swing and a pinch of blues.
They have a small terrier puppy with them and he howls in delight at the sound of the saxophone. I smile and put some money in the guitar case, grab a cd, and continue our walk.
The spirit of New York is everywhere I seem to look. There are people smiling talking on their phones, happy couples exchanging gazes while holding hands, and proud moms pushing their babies in their strollers. I see a disheveled disabled man sitting in his wheelchair with his faithful dog by his side. I love New York stickers are plastered on the back of his chair. He shouts "Hello!" to all the passing kids who are walking by him. His dog wags his tail as if to say, "Welcome to Central Park. This is THE greatest place on earth!" They strike me as if the two were the official greeters of the park. I think to myself that I will want to remember this moment forever. So I pull out my trusty Nikon out of my pocket and point it at the duo. Click! A perfect moment in time, captured forever.
Sadly my day here at the park has come to an end. We walk back through the trails and paths until we make our way back from where we started from, 72nd street. All I can hear is the cars whizzing by, taxi cabs honking and people talking. Immediately I find myself longing for the following weekend, when I will rejoin my beloved Central Park.
-Elizabeth Glassford-Vacca, 1976-2011
Daughter, sister, aunt, wife, friend, loved.